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Data Formats

Polymake 1.3 File Format

A polytope in the polymake system is represented by a printable ASCII file. Each of its properties is represented by a sequence of non-empty lines, called a section. The first line of a section is called its title.

Lines starting with # are treated as comments. They can be arbitrarily intermixed with the data lines. However, procession by polymake moves all comment lines above the title of the respective section.

The title of a section contains its name optionally followed by the attribute list enclosed in parentheses. Several attributes in the list are separated by +. Both the name and the attributes are built only of alphanumeric characters (letters, digits, underscore). By convention, data section names are written in upper case.


As already mentioned, a section is defined merely as a collection of lines of ASCII characters, so that it's generally possible to introduce arbitrary sections with arbitrary contents. However, the programs comprising the polymake package need to be able to parse the data in some reasonable way, so the standard sections are expected to obey stricter syntactic rules.

While most sections contain data of a fixed type, there are certain sections which may contain data of various types. In order to distinguish between these types the following attributes are used:

empty arbitrary precision rational data, homogeneous coordinate model
float floating point data
dehomogenized affine coordinate model
true, false indicates a boolean type
labeled A graph having additional data on the edges. Edge label follows the number of the adjacent node.

Section types

The notion of a section type is introduced here for the ease of description. Polymake does not really support types. It can check the contents of the sections line by line using regular expressions, but does not take care beyond the assertion of syntactical integrity.

boolean Section with empty contents. It always has an attribute, either true or false.
cardinal Section contains a single line with one non-negative integer number. It does not have any attributes.
number Section contains a single line with one rational or floating-point number. The exact type is specified by the attribute: either empty or float.
vector Section contains a single line with a sequence of rational or floating-point numbers. The exact type is specified by the attribute: either empty or float.
matrix Section contains at least one line vector. All vectors have the same length. The exact type is specified by the attribute: either empty or float.
list Section contains a strictly increasing list of cardinals. The entire line is enclosed in braces.
list array Section contains at least one list. The length of the lists may vary from row to row.
name list Section contains alphanumeric words, one identifier per line.

Some of the sections described below are marked by `*'. This means that there are no rules which produce them. Typically, these sections are provided by the user or generated by clients.

Basic sections

Section name Type Description
POINTS * matrix Points such that the polytope is their convex hull. Redundancies are allowed (i.e. double or interior points). Syntax: a line "x0 x1 .. xd" represents a point in (d+1)-space (homogeneous coordinates). Affine points are identified by x0 > 0. Points with x0 == 0 can be interpreted as rays.
VERTICES matrix Vertices of the polyhedron. No redundancies allowed. Syntax as for POINTS.
INEQUALITIES * matrix Inequalities that describe half-spaces such that the polyhedron is their intersection. Redundancies are allowed. Dual to POINTS. Syntax: a line "A0 A1 .. Ad" defines the (closed affine) half-space of points (1,x1,..,xd) such that A0 + A1*x1 + .. + Ad*xd >= 0.
FACETS matrix Facets of the polyhedron. Dual to VERTICES. Syntax as for INEQUALITIES.
EQUATIONS* matrix Equations that hold for all points of the polyhedron. Syntax: a line "A0 A1 .. Ad" describes the hyperplane of all points (1,x1,..,xd) such that A0 + A1*x1 + .. + Ad*xd == 0.
AFFINE_HULL matrix or empty Dual basis of the affine hull of the polyhedron. Syntax as of EQUATIONS.
AMBIENT_DIM cardinal Dimension of the space where the polyhedron lives in.
IN_EQ_DIM cardinal Dimension of the span of INEQUALITIES and EQUATIONS.
DIM cardinal Dimension of the affine hull of the polyhedron = dimension of the polyhedron.
BOUNDED boolean Attribute: true if the polyhedron is a bounded polytope, false otherwise.
CENTERED boolean Attribute: true if (1,0,0,..) is a relative interior point, false otherwise. This is dual to BOUNDED.
POSITIVE boolean Attribute: true if all vertices of the polyhedron have non-negative coordinates, that is, it lies entirely in the positive orthant.


N_VERTICES cardinal Number of vertices.
N_EDGES cardinal Number of edges.
N_RIDGES cardinal Number of ridges.
N_FACETS cardinal Number of facets.
F_VECTOR list fk is the number of k-faces.
H_VECTOR list Simplicial h-vector. Defined for simplicial polytopes and also for their duals.
F2_VECTOR matrix of cardinals fik is the number of pairs of incident pairs of i-faces and k-faces. A copy of the F_VECTOR is on the digonal of this symmetric matrix.
FACETS_THRU_VERTICES list array For each vertex there is a line that contains those facets which are incident with the vertex in question. The facets are numbered from 0 to N_FACETS-1 according to their order in the FACETS section. The numbers of the facets are strictly increasing.
GRAPH list array For each vertex there is a line that contains the adjacent vertices. The numbers of the vertices are strictly increasing.
DUAL_GRAPH list array Dual to GRAPH.
VERTEX_DEGREES vector of cardinals For each vertex there is an entry denoting the degree of the vertex in the GRAPH.
FACET_DEGREES vector of cardinals For each facet there is an entry denoting the degree of the facet in the DUAL_GRAPH.
VERTEX_SIZES vector of cardinals For each vertex there is an entry denoting how many facets pass through this particular vertex.
FACET_SIZES vector of cardinals For each facet there is an entry denoting how many vertices are contained in this particular facet.
DIAMETER cardinal Graph theoretical diameter of GRAPH.
DUAL_DIAMETER cardinal Graph theoretical diameter of DUAL_GRAPH.
TRIANGLE_FREE boolean true if GRAPH does not contain a triangle, false otherwise.
DUAL_TRIANGLE_FREE boolean true if DUAL_GRAPH does not contain a triangle, false otherwise.
ALTSHULER_DET cardinal Let I be the vertex-facet incidence matrix, then the Altshulter determinant is defined as max{det(I*Itr),det(Itr*I)}.
SIMPLICIAL boolean Attribute: true if the polytope is simplicial, false otherwise.
SIMPLE, NEIGHBORLY, BALANCED boolean Similar to the above. This might be a notion that is less standard: a polytope is balanced if its dual is neighborly.
SIMPLICIALITY cardinal Maximal dimension in which all faces are simplices.
SIMPLICITY, NEIGHBORLINESS, BALANCE cardinal Similar to the above.
FACE_SIMPLICITY cardinal The face simplicity is the maximal dimension in which all faces are simple polytopes.
CUBICALITY cardinal Maximal dimension in which all faces are cubes.
CUBICAL boolean Attribute: true if all facets are cubes, false otherwise.

For systematic reasons it would be appropriate to repeat the DIM section here, because it is possible to deduce the dimension of a minimal embedding space from the combinatorial structure.


VERTEX_BARYCENTER vector The center of gravity of the vertices of a bounded polytope.
REL_INT_POINT vector Relatively interior point of the polyhedron.
FAR_HYPERPLANE vector Valid inequality for all affine points of the polyhedron. The corresponding hyperplane does not contain any of the points.
REVERSE_TRANSFORMATION matrix Some invertible linear transformation that can be used to get back a previous coordinate repersentation of the polytope. It operates from the right on point row vectors; its inverse operates from the left on hyperplane column vectors.


LINEAR_OBJECTIVE * vector Linear objective function.
ABSTRACT_OBJECTIVE vector Abstract objective function. A vector AOF with N_VERTICES entries. AOF[i] is the value of the abstract objective function at vertex number i. Only defined for bounded polytopes.
MINIMAL_VALUE number The minimal value with respect to the ABSTRACT_OBJECTIVE function. If the abstract linear program is unbounded, then this section is empty.
MINIMAL_FACE list Contains the list of vertices at which the minimum of the ABSTRACT_OBJECTIVE function is attained.
DIRECTED_GRAPH list array For each vertex there is a line that contains the adjacent vertices which are better with respect to the specified ABSTRACT_OBJECTIVE function. The numbers of the vertices are strictly increasing.
VARIABLE_NAMES * name list You can give a list of variable names here (this amounts to naming the columns of the coordinate vectors for VERTICES). This is of not much use for polymake. But this information will be used by programs which convert polymake format to other formats (such as LP).

Triangulation and volume

Everything in this section is defined for bounded polytopes only.

TRIANGULATION list array Some triangulation of the polytope without interior points.
TRIANGULATION_INT list array Some triangulation of the polytope with interior points from the POINTS section.
VOLUME number Volume of the polytope.

Lattice points

N_NON_NEG_INT cardinal Number of non-negative interior lattice points.

Oriented matroids

CHIROTOPE Sequence of +, -, 0. Chirotope corresponding to the VERTICES.
CHIROTOPE_INT Sequence of +, -, 0. Chirotope corresponding to the POINTS. That is, interior points are taken into account.

Visualization and Related Stuff

SCHLEGEL_FACET cardinal Number of the facet which is the Schlegel diagram is projected on. The default is 0, corresponding to the first facet listed in the section FACETS. Run the program schlegel directly for other projections.
SCHLEGEL_VERTICES matrix Coordinates in affine 3-space of the vertices which correspond to a 3-dimensional (Schlegel-) projection of a 4-polytope. The facet which is projected on is specified in SCHLEGEL_FACET.
GALE_TRANSFORM matrix Coordinates of the Gale transform.
VERTEX_COLORS matrix Each row contains RGB-values for the corresponding vertex. This section is read by the graphlet interface. It is primarily meant to display height with respect to a linear objective function.

Even More Sections

There might be other sections contained in a polymake file. Some of them will correspond to extensions of individual users. Others are used by the polymake system for internal use. By now this is only the DEPENDENCES section.